So, it's not often that I do shout outs but I should more often because I really love the families that I have been graciously given and would like to show my appreciation to them more! But I want to shout these two amazing people facebookless John and Christie de la bretonne. These two guys have taught me and Casey so much about success and leadership and teamwork than I would have ever imagined learning at this time in my life - what perfect timing - being that Casey and I are moving out of the comfort of our home town and country in just one month... I have never had friends so full of knowledge, desire, vision, and passion so willing to - at the expense of their personal resting time pour freely so much knowledge and insight. And for this I am grateful. Casey and I are grateful for your help and love and are excited to see your future grow as ours does as friends, as believers in Christ and now as partners in business! UcenterDress items to wear for the grade of 5th graduation purpose # grateful # future # biohackinglife